Monday, July 9, 2012

Charmed Life

Got home last night and was cleaning up my room, and one of the things I got recently was a new bead holder (See how exciting my life is?). Moving over my beads I found a project I had half started a few months ago, so decided to finish it up.
One of the things I do is cannibalize old jewelry if i happen to like one bead or two on it, this little horseshoe I got from a necklace I've had since middle school. Decided I'd like it better with other little charms, and this pink bead seemed pretty cute.

Looks kinda like a face, with a big pink nose and one 
eye winking? Just pretend you see it...

Check out my tutorial for making a pendant out of a bead here. Once you've attached your charms to a jump ring it should be pretty easy to pop on a chain. (I also cannibalize old chains for just such a purpose.)

Fastest jeweler in the world.

Now all that's left is to flaunt your priceless jewels around the world, you hot minx you.

I took a pic of it on too, but no one wants to see my freckly neck.

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