Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cork it to Me, Part Duex

So, decided to make a prettier display for my jewelry. Right now I have a Christmas themed memory board as my holder, and it looks a little ghetto. I've been carting around this blank corkboard for a couple of months in my car and decided to put it to work.

Pretty exciting Sunday night, eh?

Gathered my oh-so-professional paints that you might've seen in my dough ornament post and some varied accoutrements. I'm going to be painting a design right on the cork using any oddly shaped things as stamps, cut up sponges, paper towel tubes pressed into cool shapes, pencil erasers etc. I also used paintbrushes so I didn't go 100% insane trying to get the designs I wanted.

Ignore the reminders I have written on my hand.

To get a perfect circle when I started, I taped down a tupperware lid and painted my first bits around it. Once I take away the lid I'll be able to use the bit I already painted as my guide, working outwards or inwards, depending.

No I do NOT eat cheese directly out of a tupperware. Jeez.

I'll spare you the grisly details, mostly I just used bigger or smaller dots as my main medium. But I also threw in some smushed paper towels rolls (to get the sharp cornered oval shape you see on the outskirt of the design), and bottle caps (the largest circles you see). I took it slowly and tried to repeat patterns that I thought looked good, I didn't have a design in mind but tried not to overdue it.

Kinda looks like a monster with lots of eyes and teeth, yes?

I did the same on a few other corners of the board, some of them came out better than others. I didn't really dig the design in the upper right corner, but I'll just put that at the bottom when I put my jewels on it so no one can see :).

Little off center, but no one's gonna give me a score.

It's hard to see, but someone wrote something offensive on the board edge (About school not being super fun, groundbreaking.) So I needed to paint over that too.

This lady weirded me out the whoooole time I did this.

I taped up the cork, making sure the paint was dry all the way.

Still weirding.

Shot it with some spray paint, let it dry. Did a second coat. Let it dry.


Voila, finished board. Hate to cover it up with my plastic diamonds and discount jewelry, but I have to throw that stuff somewhere.

Aaaand back to looking like crap.

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