Monday, December 19, 2011

Crinkly Chocolatey Cookies

In the quest to become an actual adult I've decided to follow through with my plan to make treats for my office for the holidays instead of just buying cookies and eating them out of the bag at home. I had a bunch of recipes saved up and set aside Sunday to make some, first up - crinkle cookies.
The recipe seemed daunting at first since it calls for a stand mixer, something which only professional bakers and housewives from the 50's seem to have, but in the end I didn't even need to use one. Score one, me.

Put the oven to 350 degrees and make sure the racks are placed so that there's three equal spaces between them. This is important cause we're going to rotate the pans mid-bake.
Sift together ( I did not sift, personally, but you're supposed to) 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in medium bowl. Set aside.

Floof, floof.

Finely chop 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate. Don't go crazy with the "finely chop" part, just so that it's not several gigantic pieces so it'll melt evenly.

Baker's chocolate: not like real chocolate, trust me.
Add to a small saucepan with 1/4 cup vegetable oil and put on low heat.

I know I shouldn't want to eat this cause of the oil, but still...

Heat, stirring occasionally (like every minute or so, don't leave this stuff unattended) until the chocolate is melted and incorporated with ze oil.


When melted, set aside to cool.

When it's been cooling for just a few minutes, put it in a large bowl with 2 cups sugar.

What do I want to eat every step of this recipe? 
Sugar, chocolate and oil are good, right?

This is where the actual recipe calls for a stand mixer, I just used a good ole fashioned wooden spoon and it worked just fine. Stir it up until it's all mixed together and looks like gooey chocolately sugar.

Okay, don't wanna eat this step.

Add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract and four eggs, ONE AT A TIME, fully incorporating each egg before adding the next. I used a electric mixer to make this go faster.

Love getting to use my mixer, makes me feel like an actual baker :)

Still using the electric mixer for as long as you can, add the flour mixture slowly. By the end I couldn't even use the mixer because the dough had gotten so thick, so I just got in there with ma hands and smushed it up until it was all mixed together. Obviously wash your hands really well before you do this.

Cover with saran wrap and chill for 1-2 hours.

Shove aside the ten mustard containers and half eaten jars 
of salsa to make room for his behemoth.

When the dough is nice and thick and malleable like playdough, take about 1 tablespoon sized pieces out and roll them into balls. Put about a cup of confectioner's sugar in a shallow dish and roll those suckers in it until they're all coated.

Rarely get to use confectioner's sugar, makes me feel like a princess!

Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper and place the balls about 2 inches apart on the sheet.


Place one sheet on the lower rack of the oven and the other on the upper rack. Bake at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes, then rotate the sheets. Bake for an additional 5 minutes for gooey soft cookies, and 7 minutes for crisper cookies. At one point I forgot about them all together and they baked for an extra, like, fifteen minutes, and still turned out pretty good.


Let cool, knock off excess sugar by tapping each cookie on a hard surface lightly by its edge. Continue to eat them yourself sitting in front of the TV watching old X-Files, or bribe friends and family into wrapping your holiday presents for you. Either way: score one, us.

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