Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blang Blang

WOW I'm so lazy. It's been a long time since I've done anything crafty, still getting over the salty drunk mess that is the holidays.
Saw this craft on another blog Elle and Ish and decided that it'd be a good rainy day project since I have all the supplies.
Picked up this little gem at a flea market a million years ago, don't really wear it much.

 Always thought this looked like Zoidberg. From Futurama?

See? A squid... That's what it looks like... Cause Zoidberg's a squid.

Gather supplies known as Urban Outfitters and dollar store nail polish.

Had a nuclear nail polish accident that splattered 10+ colors on my remaining bottles. Hence the weird angle, I'm hiding my flaws.

I used the white first, then realized dollar store nail polish is probably at the dollar store for a reason, it's not great quality. Decided to just splosh the pink nail polish on there and it worked a lot better.

Pretty Princess.

Wish I could make this post a little longer to look somewhat professional, but honestly it took me 10 minutes to do. Hadn't even had breakfast yet.
Just put the nail polish on each stone, maybe do a couple coats. It doesn't have to be perfect because no one will be looking that closely at it anyways.