I'm sure everyone can agree with me that putting up decorations is one of the funnest and most festive parts of the holiday season. Whether it's reverently lighting a menorah and gearing up for Channukah, winding green boughs up the stairs and decorating the mantle, or even whipping out your boxed Charlie Brown tree with it's one sad little red ornament, decorating gets everyone in the spirit.
One of the big things I've missed since getting my own apartment is the holiday decorations, so this year I decided NO MORE. No more shall I stare glumly about my apartment completely lacking in sparkly green and red things, tacky gold bells and blinking fake trees. NO MORE I SAY!
So I bought a fake 3 foot tall tree at Home Depot (Cause I'm classy), and decided to make some dough ornaments (Cause I'm poor). This was also something we did when we were kids that got us in the spirit, with the very same set of cookie cutters bequeathed upon us by my Grammy Gail. Check it out:
The recipe for these goodies is crazy easy.
4 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 1.5 cups warm water.
This may look like cookie dough. It is NOT cookie dough. It is salty, watered flour.
Stir until a ball forms.
Roll out the ball on a floured surface til it's about 1/4 of an inch thick.
I'm sure you know what rolled out dough looks like, but visuals are always helpful.
I got a little carried away on the stars... And trees... Also bells.
Poke a little hole for the hook or thread to go through so that you can hang it.
The reindeer ornaments have holes right through
their heads... Poor planning on my part.
Put on an ungreased cookie sheet and cook in a 300 degree oven for about 20-30 minutes.
It helps to have two or three sheets go in the oven at a time, cause you'll end up
with about a thousand of these ornaments.
They'll puff up a little bit but will still work for our purposes.
Let them cool, then wipe them gently with a very slightly damp paper towel. This just gets off excess flour so the paint will stick better. Use simple craft paint or poster paint, nothing fancy. I got mine at CVS.
This is the really fun part.
Bing, baang. Wait that's not right...
It's fun to have a variety of brushes and implements for putting little decorations on the ornaments like toothpicks, straws for doing little circles, or any other tiny things you can dip in paint.
My favorite ornament is that crazy smiling star right there. We call him
Hellstar cause of his dead eyes.
Unfortunately we only had one dinky paint brush and a toothpick, but we made do and came up with some pretty cool designs.
Also the little reindeer turned Tyrannosaur is pretty good too...
In the end it's not about having a perfect looking tree or home, it's about having fun with the people around you and making silly memories that you can gaze back on fondly later. Also it's a good idea not to get attached to anything 'cause eventually the cats will wreck it.
Hellstar gets a prime location.
So there you have it. Some salty dough, children's craft paint and one pot holder later, you have the prettiest and most cheaply put together Christmas tree in the world. Also we named him Stanley. The End.