Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spilt milk

Here's a teeny little post just for fun, to tide you over until the next craft.

I'm always looking for ways to bust my glass stash, as I think it creeps people out when they see my piles of booze bottles and pasta sauce jars on the porch. We also have a lovely selection of paint cans in various stages of rust-ation as our apartment has been painted quite a few times. So combine the two and what do you get? Milk glass!

Stage one: take a piece of glass with a pretty shape, clean it out nicely and dry off completely.

I may also mention that I'm a bit of a antique glass junkie. I love Victorian style beauty supply bottles, and anything referencing sugar or sweets. This particular bottle I picked up at the Brimfield Antiques Fair, or as I like to call it, the Hoarder's Candy Store. It's hard to see but it says Fellows Compound Syrup; not the most delicate example of antique glass, but hey if it mentions syrup, I'm buying it.

Stage two: Pour a small amount of paint (I prefer latex because it cleans up easily) in a party cup or disposable container. You can also use a measuring cup if you feel like cleaning it later. I do not.

Stage three: Carefully pour the paint into the jar/bottle, and turn it over and over until the paint coats all the surface on the inside. When coated, pour the excess paint out of the bottle/jar into the trash or some other receptacle. Whip the rim to get rid of excess paint with a damp cloth. Let dry.

Stage four: Enjoy the glorious fruits of your labor.